Olathe Probation Violation Lawyer
Worried about a probation violation?
Being on probation and meeting all of the requirements can be difficult. Sometimes a probation officer may seem difficult to work with. Maybe something you didn't think was important turns out to be very serious in the eyes of your probation officer. If your probation officer has decided you have violated your probation, or the prosecutor has filed a motion to revoke your probation, you need the help of an experienced Olathe criminal defense lawyer. My firm has been helping individuals in Johnson County and throughout Kansas with probation violations for many years.
Probation Violation Lawyer in Olathe
When a judge decides to suspend an individual's sentence and allows probation instead, there will be certain terms set which must be fulfilled by the individual, which can include:
- Restitution which must be paid,
- avoiding use of controlled substances (drugs), or not drinking alcohol,
- a specified amount of community service to be completed,
- no new violation of the law,
- keeping all appointments with your supervisory officer
- and more
In my years of practicing as a probation violation lawyer, I have seen that every violation has unique circumstances and reasons behind it. It is important to show the judge that his or her faith in you wasn't misplaced in allowing you probation. When we meet, I will advise you to immediately start following all of the rules, keeping all appointments, and work hard to complete any community service or paying any outstanding restitution. Showing the prosecutor and the judge that you are responsible and making a determined effort will go a long way to convincing them that revoking your suspension would not be just in your case. Call John E. Harvell, P.A. for a consultation with a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer. I can answer your questions and develop a powerful defense strategy with you.
Contact an Olathe probation violation lawyer at the firm for sound advice and a strong defense regarding revocation of probation.

Why Choose John Harvell?
Client Testimonials
Mr. Harvell and I worked closely together and created a successful defense on both the driver's license suspension and the DUI charge.- DC
...the prosecutor agreed to withdraw the motion.- CP
After appearing for a hearing to revoke probation, the case was dismissed.- RB
Mr. Harvell filed a Motion to Suppress because of an illegal car search. Prior to trial, the charges were dismissed.- TC
My work requires a security clearance, and it was very important that I did not receive a conviction for this matter.- AT
I am from a foreign country and was facing deportation. This was a very important result.- CK
After I hired Mr. Harvell, he contacted my witnesses and convinced the prosecution that charges should be dismissed.- MM
This is such a relief. You rock John.- RK