Olathe Disorderly Conduct Lawyer
Arrested for disorderly conduct?
If you or a loved one has been arrested for disorderly conduct, you may have found the experience pretty upsetting. You may also think of this as "not very serious, it's only a misdemeanor". It is true that if convicted, a person wouldn't be sentenced to long years in prison, but don't make the mistake of thinking it isn't serious. It is a crime. It will appear on your criminal record. The prosecutor and the judge will take this matter quite seriously. As an experienced Olathe criminal defense lawyer, I have helped numerous clients in Johnson County to stay clear of having a criminal record. It is important to take action in your own defense.
Disorderly Conduct Lawyer in Olathe
In Kansas law disorderly conduct is considered a crime against the public peace. It includes engaging in brawling, fighting, disturbing an assembly, meeting or procession, using offensive, obscene, or abusive language, or engaging in noisy conduct which tends to arouse alarm, anger or resentment in others. Penalties may be up to $500. fine and 30 days in jail. The good news is there are defenses against this charge. After gathering the facts of your case I can work with you to present a reasonable explanation to the judge and the prosecutor.
A disorderly conduct conviction, can impact your future in various ways. The stigma of having this particular charge on your record can close the door on some future opportunities. You may be denied a loan or a job as even in the case of a simple background check for employment or mortgage application it will show up. You would now have a criminal history. Should you ever be arrested and charged with another crime having a prior conviction can affect the outcome. I understand what is at stake and will take your case seriously. Don't simply plead guilty, call John E. Harvell, P.A. for a consultation with an experienced criminal defense lawyer concerning your case today.
Contact a Olathe disorderly conduct lawyer at the firm for assistance with your defense.

Why Choose John Harvell?
Client Testimonials
Mr. Harvell and I worked closely together and created a successful defense on both the driver's license suspension and the DUI charge.- DC
...the prosecutor agreed to withdraw the motion.- CP
After appearing for a hearing to revoke probation, the case was dismissed.- RB
Mr. Harvell filed a Motion to Suppress because of an illegal car search. Prior to trial, the charges were dismissed.- TC
My work requires a security clearance, and it was very important that I did not receive a conviction for this matter.- AT
I am from a foreign country and was facing deportation. This was a very important result.- CK
After I hired Mr. Harvell, he contacted my witnesses and convinced the prosecution that charges should be dismissed.- MM
This is such a relief. You rock John.- RK