Seven Things You Need to Know About DUIs:
Help from an Olathe DUI Attorney
1. If you have been arrested for a DUI, you have two distinct legal problems.
The first is a civil proceeding regarding your driver's license. The
second problem is the criminal DUI. They both have different legal standards,
and the result on each will not influence the other.
2. DUIs are lifetime occurrences and stay on your record forever. A third
DUI offense is a felony.
3. You may be asked to take both a preliminary breath test at the scene
and a breath test after you are arrested. The preliminary breath test
cannot be admitted into evidence at any potential trial.
4. If you plead guilty or are found guilty of a DUI, you will have to
get an alcohol evaluation through a court-certified provider prior to
5. Almost all DUI arrests are recorded by video. Video is a valuable tool
and should always be obtained and reviewed with your lawyer.
6. If you are arrested for a Felony DUI in Johnson County, Kansas, you
are likely to be placed on bond supervision. Those bond conditions can
include house arrest, random urinalysis and reporting to a probation officer.
7. The national average cost for a DUI is $10,000. The $10,000 cost includes
the attorney's fees, fines, lost income and increased insurance premiums.
Your cost would be a fraction of that amount.
Contact an Olathe DUI attorney at The Law Office of John Harvell for dedicated legal help and counsel that is tailored to your case.

Why Choose John Harvell?
Client Testimonials
Mr. Harvell and I worked closely together and created a successful defense on both the driver's license suspension and the DUI charge.- DC
...the prosecutor agreed to withdraw the motion.- CP
After appearing for a hearing to revoke probation, the case was dismissed.- RB
Mr. Harvell filed a Motion to Suppress because of an illegal car search. Prior to trial, the charges were dismissed.- TC
My work requires a security clearance, and it was very important that I did not receive a conviction for this matter.- AT
I am from a foreign country and was facing deportation. This was a very important result.- CK
After I hired Mr. Harvell, he contacted my witnesses and convinced the prosecution that charges should be dismissed.- MM
This is such a relief. You rock John.- RK